Hello, again!
This is Sophia Hortin checking in with new experiences from the second semester of my senior year at the University of Illinois. As a student completing an Illinois teaching license alongside my degree, this semester is untraditional. I am a student teacher at Sycamore High School in Sycamore, Illinois. Because I am student teaching, I am not on a traditional college campus or attending traditional college classes. Instead, I am teaching agriculture courses daily, as a career teacher would, under the guidance of three experienced agricultural educators within Sycamore's local school district. The shift in setting that comes with student teaching also challenges me to think of the grain and feed association industry immersion experience from a different angle. Specifically, I am reflecting on intersections between agricultural education and the grain industry within Illinois. Part of this reflection includes a written discussion on how educating about the grain and feed industry can be integrated into each of the three main components of agricultural education programs. Agricultural education in Illinois models after three main components: classroom & laboratory instruction, FFA, and supervised agricultural experiences (SAE). Ideally, these components will intersect in some activities and events as student involvement in all three areas creates a holistic agricultural education experience. This model is called the "three-circle model," with one circle for each principal component. Throughout my student teaching experience, it is abundantly clear that there is space to incorporate grain and feed industry education within each of these circles or components. Doing so is mutually beneficial for both the agricultural education program and Illinois' grain and feed industry. Through student teaching, I also found many ways in which I learned about the grain and feed industry or skills applicable to grain and feed careers, which I will outline more thoroughly towards the end of this discussion. Classroom & Laboratories The grain industry touches many different arms of knowledge and skills, which incorporate into course curriculums in many ways. For example, science-based agriculture courses can incorporate feed science and grain quality topics from a scientific approach. Agriculture business classes can include lessons on commodity markets, merchandising, and origination topics. Technical courses like agriculture mechanics, welding, and physical science systems, can expose students to the application of skills within the grain industry, such as operations and technical systems, that they are learning in their coursework. Critical topics like safety and career exploration are broad enough to be incorporated into almost any class. For example, safety in agriculture, which includes grain safety topics, is critical to all people who might encounter grain or a grain handling facility. Therefore, grain safety topics would be an excellent candidate for incorporation into an introduction to agriculture class, the foundational agriculture course with the broadest audience. Lastly, exposing students to career paths, including those in the grain and feed industries, is integral to a well-rounded high school educational experience. While it is not the role of the educator is not to recruit students to a specific sector, it is crucial to encompass a variety of careers in agriculture. Students often think of farmers, veterinarians, agronomists, repair technicians, and others as being the traditional "careers in agriculture." Yet, industries like the grain industry house careers in merchandising, origination, operations, safety, and more that often suit students' interests and skills, even though they may not be a career that the student is aware of. At Sycamore, I learned a great deal from observing their Agriculture Academy course. This course is a senior-level class that focuses on career or college readiness and career exploration. Students in this course visit agricultural businesses in the local area, hear from guest speakers, and complete job shadow experiences (like those in the GFAI industry immersion program). I found that even at the senior-level stage, where students choose a career pathway, they are still searching for what suits them. Exposure to agriculture careers, some of which were in grain and feed, was critical to developing their decisions about the next steps after high school. FFA From a teaching perspective, FFA is a great space to provide students with stated interests in agriculture with exposure to grain and feed industries outside the classroom. These learning opportunities could come in the form of business and industry tours, attendance at workshops during conferences and conventions, and career development events. FFA is also a space where students develop leadership and communication skills. Based on what I experienced during student teaching, teachers must provide context regarding how those skills translate to applicable settings or careers. Students possess more "buy-in" to learning these skills and retain them longer when they see purpose in their investment. One way to provide them with context is through interactions with industries, like grain and feed, where they see professionals using those skills and have opportunities to practice them during their interactions. SAE Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs) are work-based learning programs for students. Teachers can create another intersection between agricultural education and the grain and feed industry by fostering connections for students to complete work-based experiences or projects in related fields. “Doing to Learn” is a portion of a motto used in describing the work of agricultural education. The idea is that there is a great deal learned by immersion into the working environment, which is why SAEs are an integral part of students learning about agriculture, including the grain and feed industry. Learning as a Student Teacher I would be remiss if I did not also reflect upon how my personal student teaching experiences impact my relationship with the grain and feed industry. Even though I do not plan to become a teacher upon graduation in May, the skills I learned during student teaching are still valuable. For example, teaching high school students about agriculture required me to fine-tune my ability to break down technical information and present it clearly. This skill will be valuable in other career fields, including the career fields I experienced during my grain and feed industry immersion tours and job shadows. Many professionals I encountered during these experiences expressed how important it is to communicate technical information to their farmer patrons or colleagues to ensure all parties' well-being and that tasks are performed safely and successfully. Other skills acquired include collaboration between multiple organizations to achieve a common purpose, skills to show the value of agriculture in work settings in which many are unfamiliar and more. Reflection throughout curriculum development and assisting with the daily facilitation of an agricultural education program helped solidify connections, concepts, and ideas about the role of grain and feed in our world. A mentor once told me, “Action without reflection is a waste of time.” They meant that reflecting upon our past experiences is where we learn to use those them for further development, action, or to derive opportunities by reconnecting in some way. During student teaching, I often revisited or reflected upon my experiences as I incorporated them into lessons, conversations about careers and opportunities with individual students, or in seeking ways for community professionals to engage with the agricultural education program. Specific grain and feed experiences I frequently revisited include internships, personal interactions through my farming background, and the industry immersion scholarship program. Reflecting on these experiences from a new setting required me to think about them from a new angle, broadening and deepening my takeaway points as I look back. Lastly, studies show that an excellent way to learn information is to be in a situation where you must teach that information or explain it to others. Teachers even use this as a learning strategy in their classrooms. Challenging students to teach or explain a concept to one another, an evidence-based strategy to support students in mastering content. I also experienced this strategy in action personally as I acquired content knowledge and transformed it into lessons for my students. For example, during a pre-student teaching clinical field experience, I developed and taught a multi-day lesson about assessing feed quality, which directly intersects with the grain and feed industry. Before conducting the lesson, I was entirely unfamiliar with assessing feed quality. Yet, even months later, I still retain what I learned about feed in delivering that lesson. This feed quality lesson is just one of several examples where teaching strengthened my knowledge of grain and feed topics as I put together learning content and lessons for students. Although my industry immersion experience happened through the shoes of an agricultural educator rather than a local grain professional, I still find many connections as to how this experience strengthened my knowledge of grain and feed, the skills required to become an industry professional, and my ability to pass on learning about the grain and feed industry. I am very grateful for the plethora of investments and experiences throughout the grain and feed industry immersion scholarship program, which deepened my knowledge of a vital agricultural industry and sparked an interest in grain and feed careers. Thank you, Grain and Feed Association of Illinois! Hello, again! For a brief reintroduction, my name is Halie Kohl and I reside in Herscher, IL.
Coming from a grain and livestock family, I developed my passion for agriculture quickly. Since May 2020, I have owned and operated Halie’s Farmstand, a small vegetable production business. I am currently a college sophomore agribusiness major, dually enrolled at Kankakee Community College and Illinois State University. Upon college graduation, I aspire to develop Halie’s Farmstand into a larger farm-to-fork operation with an emphasis on commercial tomato production and continue raising livestock. For my spring job-shadowing days, I returned to Rabideau Grain and Lumber. While the spring-time is busy for farmers in the fields, it can be rather slow at the elevator. I received a settlement statement from Incobrasa (Gilman, Illinois) for beans which Rabideau Grain hauled to them via semi. I matched up Rabideau’s outbound weight tickets for the trucks to Incobrasa’s weight tickets and reconciled the statement in their computer system. The office manager, Bev Buckley, and office assistant, Lisa Patchett, took this time to explain to me their grain transportation methods of railcars verse semis, buyers, and end users. In addition to doing business with Incobrasa, Rabideau Grain ships corn via CN railroad to chicken farmers in Mississippi and trucks corn to One Earth ethanol plant in Gibson City, Illinois. Railcars allow elevators to ship mass amounts of grain in a short period of time. Approximately 4 semis fit in 1 railcar (approximately 4,000 bushel per hopper). Plus, the consignee of the railcars pays the freight charges. Rabideau Grain plays a smaller role with railroad shipments, handling only 25 rail cars at a time. At first utilizing railroads seems simple, but I have learned that grain elevators are truly at the railroad’s mercy. After the rail cars are delivered, CN only allows one free day and one loading day to get the cars ready for pick-up, regardless if the drop time was 11:59 PM or 12:01 AM. Within this timeframe, Rabideau Grain must have Champaign County Grain Inspection do a stowage inspection on all cars, have employees load all cars, Champaign County Grain Inspection returns to take samples and produces a certificate of grain grade, FM, etc., then the cars are sealed, and submitted for release. If all pieces of the puzzle do not come together within the allotted CN timeframe, demurrage occurs and each car is docked $200/day. On a full set of 25 rail cars, Rabideau Grain risks losing $5,000/day due to inclement weather, breakdowns, etc if they cannot get all cars loaded. Moving off the rails and back onto the roads, semis also play a large role in the transportation of grain. Rabideau Grain owns 5 trucks. When trucking grain to Incobrasa or One Earth, each load is weighed outbound and then when it arrives at its destination. Prior to hauling, a price is settled on between Rabideau and Incobrasa or One Earth, and the elevator is already price protected by hedging the grain. Hello again everyone! My name is Megan Hagemann, and I will be going into my senior year at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville in the fall. I am currently majoring in animal science with a comprehensive emphasis in nutrition. I have recently completed my spring job shadow at Bocker Ruff Grain in Polo, IL for the GFAI Industry Immersion Scholarship.
I had the opportunity to job shadow at Bocker Ruff Grain in the fall of 2022 and learn the ins and outs of the business. This spring, I was able to have more hands-on experience as part of my job shadow. First, I observed morning paperwork to gain more insight into the flow of Bocker Ruff Grain. I was given the chance to run the outbound scale for the day for all the trucks that had unloaded at the elevator. I then had the opportunity to watch a train being loaded as well. I observed the computer system behind the train and was given more information on how the train sector of the elevator works. I would like to extend a thank you to Bocker Ruff Grain for allowing me to job shadow at their facility for my fall and spring job shadow. I am extremely thankful for all the opportunities and networking events the Grain and Feed Association of Illinois Industry Immersion Scholarship has provided me the past year, and I look forward to my future in this industry! Hello again! My name is Carli Wright and I am from Bradford, IL. I recently graduated
from Black Hawk College -East Campus with my Associates in Science. My plans for the fall have remained the same since my last blog post, as I will be attending Iowa State University to major in Agronomy. While at ISU, I plan on continuing my collegiate Soil Judging career and become involved within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Pigeons, chickens, horses, oh my! For the Spring portion of my job shadowing experience, I was able to tour Rumbold and Kuhn’s Feed Division located in Kewanee, IL. Throughout this two day job shadowing, I had the opportunity to view the inside operation as well as the outside operation. As far as the insider operation went, I was able to see “the day in the office” with Tracy who is the Office/Accounting Manager. I was able to view the process of ordering inventory, waiting on customers, and so many ins and outs of the operation!! For the outside operation, I toured the facility and learned more about the operation from Adam, Brandon, and Austin. I was able to see several recipes of feed get made and then bagged or loaded onto the truck. I also was able to see a wagon of corn be delivered which was then sent to storage for it to later on be cracked. Rumbold and Kuhn’s Feed Division sells all different sorts of animal feed ranging from pigeons, chickens, horses, cattle, goats, and so much more! I am extremely grateful for Rumbold and Kuhn for allowing me to tour 3/8 locations and be able to expand my knowledge within the grain industry. Throughout my job shadowing experience, I have encountered numerous individuals who talked so highly of their profession and R&K and it goes to show the high levels of respect and gratitude the business holds. As always, a huge thank you to the Grain and Feed Association of Illinois for assisting me in my educational plans and for providing me with knowledgeable experiences within the grain and feed industry. It is an honor to be a recipient of the Grain and Feed Industry Immersion and all of the opportunities that have been provided throughout. I look forward to what my future entails within the agricultural industry. Hello again everyone! My name is Megan Hagemann, and I will be going into my senior year at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville in the fall. I am currently majoring in animal science with a comprehensive emphasis in nutrition. I have recently completed my spring job shadow at Bocker Ruff Grain in Polo, IL for the GFAI Industry Immersion Scholarship.
I had the opportunity to job shadow at Bocker Ruff Grain in the fall of 2022 and learn the ins and outs of the business. This spring, I was able to have more hands-on experience as part of my job shadow. First, I observed morning paperwork to gain more insight into the flow of Bocker Ruff Grain. I was given the chance to run the outbound scale for the day for all the trucks that had unloaded at the elevator. I then had the opportunity to watch a train being loaded as well. I observed the computer system behind the train and was given more information on how the train sector of the elevator works. I would like to extend a thank you to Bocker Ruff Grain for allowing me to job shadow at their facility for my fall and spring job shadow. I am extremely thankful for all the opportunities and networking events the Grain and Feed Association of Illinois Industry Immersion Scholarship has provided me the past year, and I look forward to my future in this industry! |
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